Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Simpang Luwe *Where Food and Friends Collide

One more Cafe once Resto Malang are not just offering a product that is ready to shake up the tongue, but also bring a unique concept to attract the visitors. Yep, Simpang Luwe is one of many new eating place stood in Malang that offers the sensation of relaxing in the company of various kinds of menu dishes. Luwe intersection itself is located in Lt. NLI 2 Malang street.

In this Luwe Simpang you can enjoy a menu of dishes that are divided into four brands which include simple culinary Only, Rawon Blonceng, Miekirmie and Phoenam Kopithiam. The fourth brand offers specialties with a unique and distinctive flavor that is ready to make the experience berkuliner will feel different each time it comes to Simpang Luwe.